Saturday, October 31, 2015

Knitting, knitting, cross-stitch????

So, I don't have anything new to show this week. I was soaring away on my milkweed coat, when I discovered I had misread a section of the pattern. Since there is lace knitting involved, I had to rip it all the way back to the seed stitch border. So a week's worth of work is now in the process of being work up again.

I am also ready to create the heel on my son's Christmas present, the same one I started last week. So nothing new on that front.

Now, I know you may have seen cross-stitch in my title and wondered what that is all about. This is another love of mine. A few years ago my daughter created a chart for St. Patrick's Breastplate and after a couple of years I began it. Now I am at the tail end of the beautiful picture. when I finish I will post a picture for all to enjoy.

So sorry, there are no pictures today but hopefully next week I will at least have a pair of socks done and then I will post and then on to another project.

Knitting, knitting, knitting.

Have fun this week.

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